Mawkish for the Nonce

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Ralph Fiennes has split from longtime girlfriend someone-or-other, who --

But the real new is, her age is given as 61!

Ralph, a reported 43, has been dating a woman who is now 61.

It's exciting to hear that 61-year-olds can date the likes of Ralph Fiennes.

I think she looks great, in the photo. She doesn't look 61, or maybe she looks the way 61 looks now.

61 is the new 37.

There's a chance it was a typo. Or maybe Ralph maliciously gave her name as 61, when she's really 42. Oh. That would be super-nasty. Especially since it's he who apparently had the affair (according to the AP article).

I guess the main thing I'm excited about is that a large difference in ages, especially with the woman being older, isn't so uncommon and is often because the man can't find anyone smart enough, in that ditzy 20-59-year-old range.


Blogger La Misma said...

Oops. I mean he maliciously gave her age, not her name, as 61.

11:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would appear that Fiennes is not quite clear whether he does indeed want the sophistication that someone 61 has to offer; or, whether the general "dizziness" of the 20-59 year old set is what he prefers.

Amusing that he met her playing Hamlet, where she played his mother. Sometimes it would appear that actors somehow absorb the roles they take and make them part of themselves.

12:26 PM

Blogger La Misma said...

Yes, the Hamlet thing is weird -- could Ralph have issues? Issues it took him 13 years to work out?

Anyway, I wish him good luck with the 54-year-old bimbo he's going around with now. She may look good, but just try to talk to her!

Enough with the comedy. My post has 2 typos that I've spotted so far. I'm ashamed. But I typed it under duress. Workplace duress. Oh God, I'm so sorry. I like my blog posts to be perfect. Readers, I'm sorry. (By perfect I just mean no typos.)(

4:04 PM

Blogger beckett said...

i bet he is more aged tha 43

11:32 AM


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