Mawkish for the Nonce

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

What Is Going On?

I seriously think I am losing my mind.

I've been working again for about two weeks. I think it's making me sick. I feel very queasy. A week ago I also had a violent episode of sickness while working at another office building.

All these comedy writers I read about are out there putting on shows and getting up onstage in costumes and just being vigorous people with good attitudes. I don't feel capable of that. I feel weak and crabby. I want to vault to easy success. Not toil in the trenches. I'm not a good person. I don't have good attitudes. I never have.

"What about the camcorder, La Misma?" It's back in the box. The last thing I got stuck on was the instruction: "Make sure your camcorder has a memory card." How? Apparently you need a memory card to install the software that allows you to make the films in I-Movie. But why would they have sold me a camera incapable of doing that when I specifically asked them, "Will this work with a Mac?"

I'm afraid to find out the camcorder doesn't have a memory card. It's like that thing where if you don't open the box to check, the cat could still be alive, because it could be alive or dead as long as you don't know.


Blogger La Misma said...

I dunno, creampuff. I've always liked it when people laugh at things in my stories, even things I hadn't thought were funny. And I liked writing the funniest things best. And I love to laugh, as you can tell by my blog posts.

Also, that French shrink said I was funny. She laughed at everything I said. I know she was nuts, but she gave me hope.

You wanna go see The Departed Friday night?

10:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are overlooking the fact that you are not reading about all of the comedy writers who are not being written about. (They may be the ones who are doing things other than jumping on stage, etc.) Some of them might even be doing things similar to those you are doing. Some of them might even be manifesting symptoms similar to yours--probably allergic reactions to the effluents of capitalism which are often trapped and swilling through those office buildings in which you find yourself feeling sick.

11:52 AM

Blogger La Misma said...

Cool use of swilling.

1:26 PM

Blogger David Dodd Lee said...

Your Samantha Bee skit is a scream

7:05 PM

Blogger beckett said...

Probably you need to buy a memory card. It happens when you buy a digital camera, too. They cost 100+.

Call me the bearer of ill news, if you must.

But you also bear ill news. I am sorry to hear you are back in the office. On the bright side, you will receive remuneration and, possibly, comedic inspiration. Nothing is funnier than an ad for antidepresants after all.

On the antidepressant front, I just downloaded the New Bonnie Prince Billie. 1st impression? What's with all this clean production?

10:25 PM

Blogger La Misma said...

I don't know how to download whole albums. Does it cost money?

So I haven't heard the new Bonnie P. B. I did download a song (the Seedling) that I am so-so about, but the production doesn't sound that different to me. Very pronounced guitar, warm warbly voice, not much other instrumentation.

in other news, yes I had to go back to work for the $$. I'm not indefinite freelance at the old haunt, though. I pick and choose, I make calculated strikes, I'm surfing a precarious wave -- in any event I don't want to work all the time, that's the point of freelance.

3:07 PM


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