Mawkish for the Nonce

Sunday, February 04, 2007

A Real PSA

If you're ever lying in bed, and you live in a studio apartment, and your bed is near your kitchen, and you notice a pressing, unpleasant, all-pervasive smell, kind of human, but funky and close and a little -- yes, a little bit like something rotting -- though, as you lie there analyzing it, it also smells like a diaper pail, not a really raunchy one but that close, human, vile diaper smell, but then you go back to it's like something rotting, there's no way around it, what the freak is it? What it is is, you forgot to throw out the water you steamed your broccoli in, earlier.


Blogger David Dodd Lee said...

I think kids have sensitive taste
buds. Yes? I hated broccoli as
a kid, and your observation about the odor reminds me about how
I'd say, I hate it! and someone, my mother, a demon, someone, would say, "You haven't even tasted it
yet!" But, see, it stank. Bleeding in that water, stinking up the kitchen. I wasn't about to put that green bumpy, foul-smelling crap in my mouth.

8:53 PM


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