Mawkish for the Nonce

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


When you make a decision, are you buoyed aloft for a day or two and then paralyzed by doubt-ridden fog? Because that always happens to me. I decide on a course and then, as if riotous spirits are playing with my inner compass, I become unable to see in a straight line. I can't, or won't, do one thing in the service of the decision I've made. Instead I find myself sleeping too much, feeling sick to my stomach, developing disquieting pains and maladies and generally running out of all life energy, much less energy to embark on a new path.

This can't be a coincidence -- it always happens. So now that I've decided to become a comedy writer, I find myself buying copies of Anna Karenina and Lipstick Traces because I need to read them for my novel. Wasn't I, like, writing a novel? Could I somehow whip the novel off and then not be dogged by the sense I'm abandoning something else? Because my creative life is littered with abandoned carcasses. I could paper a giant luxury hotel with the starts of things I've written and never finished.

Oh well. Maybe I should just focus on the pair above, who seem to be having a good time and not thinking about whether they're novelists or comedians. I didn't just slap that picture up there capriciously, by the way -- it's the first one that comes up if you Google 'confusion' in Google Images.

I like the way the woman is touching that guy. I like the way she's tugging on his jockey shorts. I like the angle of the jockey shorts. God, those two look confused. Good choice, Google Images.


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