Mawkish for the Nonce

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Today I Learned

Actually, last night I learned that there's an area in the brain called Zone 25 that is active in people with depression. If a skilled surgeon can get in there and turn down your Zone 25, you stop feeling incessantly sad and worthless.

This was in a harrowing documentary on depression on PBS. Harrowing because it reminded me how powerful depression is and how it wrecks lives and overwhelms the sufferer with darkness, also terrifying the people around him/her.

As you can see, I am still a laugh riot, with my comedy writing and my mood swings.

My report on that is: I have pretty much finished my play, which is a parody of Sex and the City, but better than that sounds. I honestly think my play engages the culture significantly, plus it's funny. We had a reading last week and the actors were very enthusiastic which made me feel great!

Now is the hard part: I can't find a theater that's available when I need it, and most of the actors/directors involved in my play are involved in some others in June and the whole thing is a logistical nightmare. I don't deal well with this kind of real-world challenge -- I veer between panicky, frantic action and crawling under the covers.

Still, with the writing done there's a whole layer of difficulty that's removed and that feels good.


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