Mawkish for the Nonce

Friday, April 13, 2007

I Haven't Forgotten You

Readers, I wish I could post more often. Get a load of this. I'm working 5 days a week lately at a place where I don't have a computer. Some people have computers, some don't, and I have a weird shift -- 10:30-6:30 -- that means when I get there, all the computers are taken. People will let you check your email, but sitting in an office for 6 hours without the Internet is a restless-making experience.

Then at 5, the day shift leaves and I get a computer and there's nothing on the Internet for me. What was I so antsy about? What was I so frantic to look up on Google? I can't remember anymore.

So I'd blog more but I don't have a computer and I don't think the company would look kindly on blogging anyway. At home my connection is tres unpredictable. This morning it's good so I thought I'd write.

How have you been?

I haven't done my taxes yet. I plan to rush in somewhere Monday morning, maybe get an extension. That may not be a great plan but it's the best I can do. I've always been the last one to the post office with my return on April 16. I've always driven my car to some distant field outside of Kalamazoo to hand my tax envelope to someone who will postmark it for April 16 even though it's 2 am and no longer April 16.

But someone said on the radio the deadline is the 17th. Is that true? Oh my God, I have all the time in the world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

my accountant, ( I've recommended about 6 people to him ) can't fit me in because I am so late -- he's filing for an extension for me. and yes the DEADline is the 17th this year because the 15th is on Sunday.

6:14 AM

Blogger La Misma said...

Thank you, thank you, p'gal. Invaluable info. Someone told me I should file for an extension on my own and only pay someone if they are actually going to DO my taxes. Perhaps you could save yourself some bucks?

Glad I have some company at the looming deadline hour.

12:35 PM

Blogger beckett said...

thank god for accountants.

And as for updating regularly, at least you've always got me beat.

6:25 AM


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