Mawkish for the Nonce

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Today I Learned

I learned that Camille Paglia lauds Sarah Palin for her "intelligence and vitality."

She would.

Scarier to learn from George Packer's article in the New Yorker is that dirt-poor voters in Ohio don't trust Obama. They feel that McCain will be more of the same, but Obama will be worse.

Packer makes you see that these people are so impoverished, Obama's proposals make no sense to them. He's going to rescind tax cuts for people who make more than $250,000 a year -- one woman seems to think this represents so few people, is so far from reality as she knows it, that it's meaningless.

You could cry reading about her situation -- it used to be possible to go to the movies to forget your troubles for a few hours, she says, but now she can't go to the movies because how will she put food on the table?

It's true. You can't go to the movies anymore without thinking it over pretty seriously. It's a big-ass expense, almost as much as buying a cd (which, who does that anymore?).


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