Mawkish for the Nonce

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Today I Also Learned

that the family who walk on all fours, in southern Turkey, that the ones on all fours are quite happy-seeming. Also it seems like their behavior may be a result of a very isolated, impoverished upbringing where no one had time to help them get from the crawling-on-all-fours stage to walking upright. Though they all appear to have some degree of brain impairment that contributes to their physical problems. But the scientists who were there to study them gave them some parallel bars to try walking upright with and they did so, seeming very joyful at the opportunity.

It was fascinating to hear the talking heads disputing whether this was a genetic condition or an example of devolution or a socially induced problem. I kept imagining one of the scientists' voices fading away while a voiceover narrated: "Men like this tend to speak with great authority while hiding feelings which eventually become inaccessible and the source of chronic problems ... "

Quite frankly, the quadripeds living in a hut in Southern Turkey with loving parents and a nice dog seemed as viable humans as the parade of experts discussing them.

I've been drinking.


Blogger vacuous said...

Quadrupedal humans? Blows the mind.

9:53 AM

Blogger La Misma said...

I know. It was really bizarre. But haunting. Such a mystery.

10:22 AM

Blogger beckett said...

I saw an article about those people a while ago.

If it was still acceptable, some showman would snatch them up and parade them around the world to shows where rubes would gawk at their freakishness.

8:18 PM


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