Mawkish for the Nonce

Friday, January 18, 2008

Today I Learned

Today -- well, really over the last few weeks -- I learned Borges was kind of a mama's boy.


Blogger vacuous said...

I love Borges, and Eco, who seems similar in many ways.

1:38 PM

Blogger La Misma said...

I love Borges too -- Eco, not so much. I always thought Borges was fantastically witty and sly, but while reading his biography I realize he started out as a romantic and even the later work that I took as utterly hilarious in its far-fetched, absurdist plots, may have been meant in a more sober spirit.

I only ever tried Name of the Rose but I was defeated.

2:58 PM

Blogger vacuous said...

I definitely like Borges for the far-fetched absurdist plots. They tickle the brain, I think. Even if he didn't see the fun in them, at least we can see them that way. Eco's book "Baudolino" has some of that same far-fetched absurdity.

3:57 PM


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