Mawkish for the Nonce

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Today I Learned

that you can't win. You can't fucking win.

I only have one day of work this week -- only had two last week. So after calling temp agencies till 1:30 I went out to get groceries and missed a call offering me work tonight.

I know: You shouldn't have gone to get groceries! Sit by the phone, don't ever move!

Actually, the real problem is I don't have a cell phone anymore. Gave it up. Too pissed at Verizon. It's stupid though. You can't operate without one. Try calling friends from a payphone in a high wind in midtown when their area code is some frickin thing from Florida.

Actually the truth is I just couldn't pay the phone bill for the cell phone.

The real problem is I don't face reality when it comes to my finances, according to my therapist.

Maybe a more basic problem is continuing to go to therapy even when you're barely getting by. Yet when you point this out to your therapist, they never want you to quit. They just want you to face what a mess you made.

But the bedrock problem is no one ever comes to my rescue!

Nee-ah, nee-ah. (siren noise)


Blogger beckett said...

Your post makes me sad. I hope the work picks up.

The economic situation is getting scary. You can't turn on the radio without someone saying "recession." Shit, the other day, the Fed slashed interest rates in response to foreign market crashes. To me that said: "Panic! Panic! You're all fucked!"

I hope it's not true and you get more work.

8:22 PM


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