Mawkish for the Nonce

Monday, October 01, 2007

Who Are You Kidding?

Contrary to what Mr. Ricky Gervais might have us believe, an office is not a fun place full of lively personalities and amusing dilemmas happening all the time.

Many offices are actually quite boring!

But television is its own reality. Most people aren't attractive and witty, they're quite drab. And offices often don't have the kind of fun paraphernalia that's portrayed on Mr. Gervais's show!

At my office, no one has put a monkey on top of a coat rack, for instance. And even though Billy Big-Mouth is out of batteries on the show, you know that fish had them all laughing when he was working. We don't have anything like Billy Big-Mouth to cheer us up, at my office.

Where I work, believe it or not, we just work. I'm not saying we don't chat. But there aren't little stories about everyone. There isn't a central, hopeless, impossible ... oh wait, there is.

All I mean is, offices are awful. I don't think Ricky Gervais would try to be so funny next time. Why doesn't he try opening his eyes to reality. Real offices just have unhappy people doing boring jobs. Better luck next time, Mr. Gervais!


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