Mawkish for the Nonce

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Scream Scream Scream

This time of year is always the same. There's just nothing to do. We sit around all day, doing the Jumble or trying one more time to read One Hundred Years of Solitude. Once in a while someone goes to the store for sticky buns. The mind wanders like a mote. What to do?

There's crocheting. Not just fun but useful. Or volunteering for Meals on Wheels. The point is not to just sit around. Go for a walk, keep active, otherwise you'll stiffen up. Not only physically but mentally. Lying on a blanket reading or thinking is fine, but not in excess. The blood should keep flowing lest the body atrophy. Flex the hands now and then to improve circulation.

Sebastian Bach, famous rocker, guest starred on The Gilmore GIrls last night. Wow, is he showing his age. His face used to be beautiful and feline, almost feminine in its chiseled prettiness. Now it's sort of puffy -- still handsome, but more conventionally manly. He still has that waist-length heavy metal hair and a huge, vigorous body that was always arresting to watch because of its capacity for menace. And he did attack a little musician on Gilmore Girls. He threw himself on the guy just like he was 22. Salute, Sebastian Bach!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad its not just me that could never get through One Hundred Days of Solitude. I always wanted to, especially after that first sentence about discovering ice, but could never really slog my way through. I look wistfully at those I see reading it in the subway.

2:46 PM

Blogger La Misma said...

Same here, creampuff. The last time I tried to read it I made it further than I ever have. I was actually concentrating on the story of this Jose Arcadio fellow, but then I think Marquez introduced another character named Jose Arcadia, and that was it for me. There are certain novelistic tics that are exceptionally hard to manage, like the Russian style of referring to every character by three different name, or giving two characters the same name. Somehow with the Russians it's easier to persist -- maybe because they use more dialogue than Marquez does.

9:32 AM

Blogger La Misma said...

Oops, I didn't mean the Russians give two characters the same name. It's Marquez who did/does. I guess it's playful or absurdist or something, but it does nothing to drive the plot.

9:35 AM

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