Mawkish for the Nonce

Monday, November 21, 2005

Hail to Thee, Blithe Spirit

It's hard to live. This has been noted throughout time. At a Brecht Forum workshop on Marxian (not Marxist mind you) economics I went to on Saturday, it was suggested that a lot of our stress, quarreling, depression, divorce and other ills, are due to overwork demanded by the capitalist system.

It flashed into my mind that my parents got divorced during a period of relative prosperity, and their emotional distance had little to do with too many hours at the office or tension over how to spend my father's salary.

Virginia Woolf never worked a day in her life and she was depressed 24/7.

Anyway, I'd never stand in the way of a Marxian revolution -- in fact I'd work for one, if such a thing didn't seem so far-fetched as to be a dream.

Speaking of dreams, yesterday, my companion and I went for a walk after a long lie-in because a noisy overhead neighbor destroyed our early-morning sleep. We decided, as usual, to go to the Gowanus Canal but for the sake of novelty, I chose an unfamiliar route. It was unseasonably warm, with crisp leaves scuffing the sidewalk, intense sun slanting into our eyes, a few gold leaves still clinging to the trees. But we were both feeling fried from lack of sleep, constant busy-ness and the sense that even running as fast as you can, you can't keep up. We felt as brittle as those dead leaves.

The street I'd chosen turned out to be ugly and bare. I kept waiting for the funky little houses of lower Cobble Hill/upper Boerum Hill to reassert themselves but instead we were in a gully of neglected property and low-income housing. Squinting against the sun, we saw a small group of people on the sidewalk ahead of us. A stocky woman dressed all in white, with such a deep voice I thought she might be a man, was talking loudly and brandishing a bottle of Miller Lite. She seemed to be staggering slightly and wanting attention. "Nothing will happen," I told myself, but as we reached her I saw her hand was reaching up to tug childishly on her puffy white underpants. "How come we can see those?" I wondered confusedly, then realized she had hiked her skirt up around her waist. Then to my amazement and horror she yanked her underpants fully down and leaned over, her giant puffy ass thrust out in our direction. She was exposed so completely that every detail was visible and instantly etched onto my consciousness like the worst Diane Arbus photo you've ever seen.

Dream image: someone shoving their naked ass in your face. But this was real. Somehow the ugliness of the street had come to life in that contemptuous gesture. It was like I'd guided us straight into a physical manifestation of the darkness that was bothering us anyway. We walked on with our mouths open. The sun blazed on, unfazed.


Blogger beckett said...

that never would have happened if she'd been drinking bud light.

in reference to the marxians (not marxists), i believe our ancestor ape-men probably had it a bit tougher than we.

I have an alternate theory of why we're so frayed be stress and tension: unlike our ancestors (and unlike children), we do not experience life or death situations on a regular basis. No thrill of the hunt. No terror of flight. No jubilation of getting a fire started during a storm. Perhaps our bodies were built for mortal stress, and when we don't get it, it comes out as feeling directionless, general anxiety, low-grade depression. Would people feel directionless if they had to worry about that night's meal and where to bed down for the night? Of course, that would be homelessness. So, be thankful for that background hum of depression (it is that time after all) and join Big Brothers Big Sisters.

2:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got mooned. On a canal. There was alcohol and sunshine involved. Spin it "romantic."

9:28 AM

Blogger La Misma said...

Anonymous, your perspective is touchingly bright, but you didn't see this ass. Lord have mercy. There was no romance here.

Beckett, I'm intrigued by your theory. Certainly it makes sense of the fact that we often seem to be sustaining ludicrous levels of stress, yet not suffering concomittantly. Like we don't break down and die. Oh, some do. But really, we can withstand astonishing amounts of stress so maybe we are built for it, popular wisdom notwithstanding. Who needs those tropical fish? Have another coffee and go forth into the storm!

12:33 PM

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7:17 PM

Blogger seocom said...

شركات عزل مائي بالاحساء
شركة عزل مائي بالاحساء تقدم عملية العزل على أعلى مستوى أينما كان المكان الذي تقوم به بعمل العزل المائي سواء كان منزل أو شركة أو فيلا أو أي مبنى آخر و ذالك لأن مثل هذه المباني لها دور كبير في حياة الإنسان و لهذا فإنه يحتاج للشعور بالراحة بها و من أهم الأمور التي تؤثر على المبنى هو تسريبات المياه و الحل هو العزل المائي و شركتنا تقدمه لكم لأنه حماية للمسكن وهناك أهمية قصوى للعزل و يرجع هذا إلى درجات الحرارة الشديدة وقد تخصصت شركة عزل مائي بالاحساء بجميع أنواع العزل بأحدث التقنيات و المعدات بكفاءة عالية.

12:20 PM

Blogger seocom said...

شركات عزل بالاحساء

شركات عزل بالاحساء تقدم دائماً كل ما هو جديد و بأرخص الأسعار حيث أن الشركة تعتمد علي أحدث و أفضل الأساليب في عملية العزل و تستخدم مواد مستوردة مع بذل كل الجهد بمساعدة من الأبحاث للوصول لأحدث التقنيات في العزل فدائما الشركة حريصة على عمل الخدمات ذات الكفاءة العالية فتقدم لكم جميع أنواع العزل مثل العزل الحراري و العزل المائي و عزل الكهرباء و عزل الغاز للعقارات من أجل العمل علي حمايته من التعرض للرطوبة أو تسرب المياه فقد يعتبر العزل المائي له قواعد و أساسيات التي يبنى عليها العقار للعمل على تنفيذ خطة عزل مائي للعقار بالكامل ومنع دخول المياه.

12:21 PM


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